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Verlof: a Web application to register leave

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Verlof is a Web application for registering and viewing leave information. It records hours of leave rights and hours of leave within categories like normal leave, special leave, reduced working-hours (ADV), and the begin and end dates for the leave's period. The few rules imposed on the entries are mainly sanity checks like "begin date is in the weekend".

verlof year view
The act of entering a new leave entry sends an email to the group manager and a copy to the employee. The advantages of this electronic version over the paper version are: there is a single information location (no employee-card and mother-card discrepancies), questionable entries immediately draw the manager's attention (with email), and various up-to-date views of the leave history are available (total, year, and list). Verlof is a Dutch-only application and a little specific to Leiden University.

You can try verlof on the verlof demo site.    Download: Readme · ChangeLog · Copying · Install · verlof.tar.gz .