ChangeLog for TestDox generates a readable overview of test case names from the specified files. 0.1.4-alpha 2010-09-03 (martin) - ADD: Added option --depth=n to specify directory recursion depth (norecurse == 1 ). - ADD: Added option --norecurse to prevent visiting subdirectories. - ADD: Added option --htmlbodyonly to only generate contents of body tag fragment. 0.1.3-alpha 2010-09-02 (martin) - ADD: Added test/ directory. - ADD: Added option --title. - CHG: Renamed Formatters to plainTextWriter and SimpleHtmlWriter. - CHG: Renamed Formatter's print... functions to write... . 0.1.2-alpha 2010-09-01 (martin) - CHG: Moved to pre-compiled regular expressions. - CHG: Extracted commonality of CppUnit and Boost.Test scanners to CppUnitKindScanner. 0.1.1-alpha 2010-09-01 (martin) - Initial script with scanners for the Boost.Test and CppUnit frameworks and output builders for plain text and html. ___ maj.min.triv 20yy-mm-dd - ADD: description description (martin) - CHG: text - FIX: text $Id: ChangeLog.txt 233 2010-09-03 20:45:19Z moene $