Readme for editArticleHtml This file is part of the AccuWebPublish project to publish journal articles on Contributors: Martin Moene $Id: $ EditCVuHtml is a partly-automated process to convert ACCU journal articles in PDF format to HTML for use on the ACCU website ( Contents 1. Files 2. Conversion Process 3. Checklist 1. Files ---------- . 00_Readme.txt - this file . article-template.html - HTML template to generate webpage middle column from . article-minimal.html - article HTML file to show possible markup . cvu-vol1-vol8-edit.txt - edit commands for C Vu volume 1-8 . editArticleHtml.bat - batch program to do a conversion . editArticleHtml.cbp - CodeBlocks IDE project file . - Python script to do part of automated edit work . editArticleHtml.workspace - CodeBlocks IDE workspace file . tidy.exe - program to do part of automated edit work, 2. Conversion Process ----------------------- - Load PDF in Adobe Acrobat Professional (8) - Extract relevant pages to new PDF, CVu{Vol}{Issue}-{Author}-{Title}, menu: Document > Extract Pages... - Load just created article PDF - Export article PDF to HTML 3.2, menu File > Export > HTML > HTML 3.2 note: unfortunately code sections appear as paragraphs - Edit raw HTML with batch program editArticleHtml.bat, for example prompt>editArticleHtml.bat CVu216-Wood-Fsharp.html this yields CVu216-Wood-Fsharp-tidy-edited-pretty.html that looks like an article's center column on the ACCU webage - hand-edit for the final result: - remove text and images that do not belong to the article - add links and anchors for references - change code paragraphs into
  - change code listings into tables with 
  - etc.

3. Checklist

01. [ ] [ToDo]
99. [ ] check for bold text that should not be converted to code ();
        restore it to 

$id: $